2016: WATER (English)
The groundwater conservation program is a part of the implementation of water resources management in an attempt of planning, conducting, watching and evaluating the operation of water resource conservation, water
2016: WASTE (English)
The degrading global environmental awareness has taken public concern all over the world in various sectors, including education. Higher education as the front liner of innovation and the development of
2016: TRANSPORTATION (English)
Although there habe been already many bicycle shelters available in several spots in UNS, in this year, 2016, UNS builds new bicycle shelters with new design, like in the image
The constructing of newer buildings in UNS always considers the balance between land availability and green space. The new high-rise building (>4 floor) is built in an attempt to achieve
Criteria about: Energy efficient appliances usage are replacing conventional appliances, Smart building implementation, Renewable energy produce inside campus, Electricity usage per year (in kilo watt hour), Ratio of renewable energy produce/production towards total energy usage
2016: EDUCATION (English)
Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) applies the principles of sustainable development through the implementation of three core responsibilities of higher education, including teaching, research, and community services, which are based on
Interaksi Aktivitas Green Campus UNS, November 2016
INTERAKSI Unit Kerja Di Lingkungan UNS, Green Campus UNS November 2016. Sebagai Kampus Berwawasan Lingkungan terus berbenah dan peduli terhadap lingkungan yang sehat, nyaman dan ramah lingkungan. Seiring dengan konsep karakter dan attitude penghuni kampus yang