Helping Covid-19 Patients Overcome Symptoms of Respiratory Failure, Four UNS Students Create Renewable Oxygen Membranes

Helping Covid-19 Patients Overcome Symptoms of Respiratory Failure, Four UNS Students Create Renewable Oxygen Membranes

Four students of Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta succeeded in developing innovations in supporting the handling of Covid-19. The initiating students include Jeesica Hermayanti Pratama, Atsna Rofida, Adenissa Kurnia Putri, and Raihan Naufal. Under the supervision of Dr. rer. grout. Witri Wahyu Lestari, S.Si., M.Sc., the four students from various majors namely the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Faculty of Medicine (FK), and Faculty of Engineering (FT) were able to collaborate into a solid team to developed the Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (EMCO) membrane.


Research on EMCO membrane materials departs from the Covid-19 pandemic phenomenon that has occurred in Indonesia for more than a year and many victims have occurred due to the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) phenomenon. ARDS is an event of respiratory failure caused by lung damage due to fluid buildup. If not treated immediately, ARDS symptoms can lead to death. So far, the management of ARDS patients is done by providing rescue breaths through a mechanical breathing apparatus, namely using ECMO. The lack of availability of EMCO tools and the many technical obstacles encountered in EMCO tools in terms of leakage, caused the students to innovate composite membranes coated with ethylcellulose to solve the problems of lifetime and membrane leakage in EMCO.


Not only solving the problem of membrane usage and leakage, Jeesica and his team’s innovations are also considered more economical and sustainable because the materials used are obtained from the use of waste such as ethylcellulose obtained from waste paper.


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